9 traditional Czech Meals

Published on December 2, 2021

Popular advice and stories related to Czech Republic Food Diet, 9 traditional Czech Meals.

In this video I share 9 traditional meals you will find in Czech Republic either at a restaurant or at a czech home. The meals are as follows:

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0:00 Intro
0:15 Vepřo knedlo zelo which is fried pork with cabbage and bread dumplings
0:29 Guláš a knedliky which is beef with a gravy and bread dumplings or potato dumplings.
1:05 Svíčková which is roast beef with a root vegetable gravy and bread dumplings.
1:34 Maso a křen a hořčice a chléb which is meat (usually chicken or pork) with fresh grated horseradish, mustard and bread.
2:19 Pečená kachna which is simply roasted duck served with red cabbage and potato dumplings.
2:34 Řízek a bramborový salát which is breaded fried pork chops and potato salad.
3:03 Kapr a bramborový salát which is breaded fried carp and potato salad served as the traditional Christmas Eve dinner.
3:29 Koprová omáčka or Koprovka which is dill gravy with boiled eggs and bread dumplings.
3:51 Kuře na praprice or Kuřecí paprikáš which is chicken paprika served with rice or noodles or potatoes or even bread dumplings.

You can copy and paste any of these into google or youtube for the recipes. Also, I plan to make these recipes in future youtube videos on this channel so subscribe in order to see those videos.

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The music in this video was provided by bensound.

9 traditional Czech Meals

9 traditional Czech Meals.

9 traditional Czech Meals, Explore popular suggestions and posts related to and Czech Republic Food Diet, reviews.

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